Best Practices & Organizational Structure for a functional organization

Best Practices & Organizational Structure for a functional organization

E1 A - Knowledge Base, Research and Development, Workflow design, IT, Rules and Regulations, Policy Design
E1 B - Implementation of Policies and Workflow department,

E2 A - Human Resource Planning and management -
      HR Policies - Employee code of conduct, Compensation & Incentive scale,
      Training & Development - Developing course material & Evaluation process. 
      Franchisee, Investor and Partnership terms

E2 B - Recruitment, Selection and Training, Meeting potential partners and sharing the collaboration ideas, Investor relations

E3A - Planning of Branding,
      Target Audience,
      Communication Message      
      Branding Design
      Marketing & Sales
E3B - Implementation of Branding with advertising agencies,
      Execution Partners - Outdoor ad partners, Digital Marketing agencies, Public Relation agencies, 

Currently, Ideazfirst is a private limited company with two directors, but we plan to hire certified counselors and operational staff as we scale.
Our management structure includes clear roles for service delivery, client relations, and marketing, fostering collaboration and accountability.