Content guidelines

Guidelines for content writers

Below are some notes and guidelines while you write content for Ideazfirst.

Answer the question of your title here - Articles should answer the question of their title at the very beginning - preferably in the first text capsule. This is called the inverted pyramid and will prevent the readers from hitting the back button.
Before you begin writing decide what is most important for the reader. 
Add image that are important to your content and build trust.
Tone can be formal and supported by brief examples and references. Always mention the links where you have sourced the references from.

Title tips
Make sure the title is in APA Format
Titles should be conversational (avoid colons and hyphens)
Titles should clearly and accurately reflect your articles content
Include important keywords in your article but do not stuff with keywords to try to get traffic.

We are using etc for our inhouse content and social media posts. Please let us know if you are using a Generative AI based tool to generate content and ensure the content tone and sections are consistent across all paragraphs and pages.